So, the other day I did a demonstration evening at a place I had never been to before. I thought the evening went very well, the energy in the room was good the messages were evidential and a few people were in tears of joy from their messages. After the service, I was called over by an earlderly lady, who told me that she hasn’t been to many of these types of things before, and then said…
“You know what you’re doing wrong, you give too much detail to people, I got bored listening to everyone elses messages”!
The first thought that went through my head when she said that was ‘Well that’s a good thing surely’ She then went on to say that all she wanted to hear was what people had to say and not all the details of their life and how they knew people! Then she said the strangest thing
“That message you gave my Grandson here was the best of the night, you had my Son there and everything you said was exactly how he would have said it”
I took her criticism and said thank you for her kind words, then thought about it the entire two and a half-hour drive home.
I realised that what she said was accurate for one! Listening to things about other peoples lives isn’t very interesting if it doesn’t affect you. Also, this lady was new to spirit communication and has a lack of understanding about what is evidence and what isn’t.
My final thought is…
Would she have found her Grandsons message as amazing as she did without the evidence I brought forward?
I send her my love and wish her well.
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