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What is a Medium?


What does it mean to be a medium? Quite simply a medium is someone who is able to channel spirit whether it be with communication, inspiration or healing. The purpose being to help, guide and heal both the living and those who have passed over.


grey scale womanThe role of a medium, like the ones you have seen on the tele, a psychic fair or in a spiritualist church. Is to provide you with not only evidence of life after death (eternal life) but to also pass on a message from those you have lost throughout your journey so far. These messages are for you and only you unless you are asked to pass something on to others but you should be able to know who you are communicating with and what the messages intention was. The medium may be picking up the message through various means, an impression or feeling, hearing the words in their inner ear or seeing images cascading at them. It can be difficult to decipher the communication for the medium which is why it is important that the medium be trained well. I personally found that when receiving the communications from various means I have an overall tone for the message imprinted in the back of my mind which helps me to decode the scattering of images, sounds and feelings I receive. I cannot say that this is the case for every medium but this is something I would like to research.


It is also possible to channel spirit i.e. be mediumistic and not work for spirit ‘Working for Spirit – to channel for others through mediumship or healing’. You may simply live your life as a normal person with the added company of spirit from time to time. This is by far the most common, usually because the mediumistic are unaware of what is happening around them and simply brush it off with a “I must be going crazy” or a “I swear this place is haunted”. If this sort of thing sounds like you and you would like to know more please feel free to leave me a message or contact your local spiritualist church (usually found in the local paper).


There seem to be many types of mediums, some are taught how to open both their minds and hearts to spirits and some who are either naturally or hereditary attuned to the spirit world.


I have heard many theories from various people about what makes a medium and who can become one. Some people like to try to elevate mediums above others by saying that it is impossible to be trained as a medium whilst others are more open to the training method. I believe that mediumship is a very natural thing and is simply part of being human; obviously I am unable to talk for animals, but I wouldn’t rule it out. Once I realised my mediumistic abilities in my first circle, I realised just how natural it really is and all of the wanting, willing and frustration of trying to gain that connection was not only fruitless but a hindrance as well, mediumship is as natural as dreaming, and both require your mind to be in another state of consciousness. I have no doubt in my mind that we are all mediumistic, it’s just finding that mental state.


glass dotsThere are many states of our minds conscious and unconscious and no matter how many scientists we ask they are still unable to map them all. We have our inner voice which acts as our monologue, the inner-inner voice which you can tell is feeding the inner monologue and a great many more behind that one. It is these levels which allow our mind to act as a bridge between our conscious selves and our spiritual or higher self. I look forward to the day that psychical brain energies can be monitored technology is coming along at an amazing rate, surely it can’t be too far off now.





The Various Types of Mediumship

In A Nutshell


Spirit Communication

  • Clairvoyance – Being able to SEE spirit and psychical phenomena, otherwise known as ‘The Third Eye’
  • Clairsentient – Being able to FEEL spirit and psychical phenomena, not just their presence but also what they are trying to convey, I have also heard it referred to as ‘Clairknowing’.
  • Clairaudient – Being able to HEAR spirit and psychical phenomena, the medium is able to hear a voice no one else can and is as though the voice is inside their ear.



  • Laying on of Hands – Sometimes referred to as ‘Hands on Healing’. The healing practitioner places their hands on the patient’s body in non-offensive places and allows the healing energies to flow through them in to the patient.
  • Hands off Healing – The healer places their hands near to the patient and does not make physical contact. The healing then flows through the healer and then over to the patient.
  • Distance Healing – For the non-mediumistic this is sending a prayer to people asking for spirit to provide them with healing wherever they may be, this is commonly used for ‘Healing Books’. This can also be done by channelling the healing energies through a healer/medium and sending the healing energies out to those who need it.


Trance Mediumship

  • Trance – Allowing spirit to use your body to communicate with others in the room, the medium can metaphorically take a step back and hand the reigns over to a spirit to gives their own message to others or to pass on some knowledge.
  • Healing – A trained trance healing practitioner can allow a spirit to use their body to administer healing directly.


Physical Mediumship/Phenomena

  • Transfiguration – Spirit uses ectoplasm to partially manifest in front of the medium giving the medium the outward appearance of the spirit. This could either be the face or other features. It is very common for transfiguration to occur whilst the physical medium is in trance.
  • Direct Voice – This is spirits manipulation of energies causing an audible response. This in most cases is in the form of a sudden bellowing voice which seems to come bursting in to our audible hearing range but I have heard of cases where it has been in the form of music instead.
  • Orbs – This is a partial spirit manifestation, the person who catches this usually split second glimpse sees a circular or spherical ball of spiritual colours moving through the air.
  • Water drops – This feels as if it has just started to rain but the rain drops are incredibly small, so small that I have never seen any water and they are always very gentle and quite a refreshing feeling. At present I am unsure why this happens, I can only hypothesise that it is a spirit slightly manifesting close by or passing through?? I will look in to this further later.
  • Touch – Being physically touched by a spirit. I have found that a brushing across a leg is usually a dog or a cat in spirit but sometimes I have known a child to feel similar. It’s not just animals and children though, I have experienced a poke, a hand on my leg, a brushing sensation on my skin to wake me. To the non-mediumistic, this has never once worried me, there has never been a feeling of malicious intent… It’s not a Stephen King it’s a ‘hello’ from spirit.
  • Spirit Writings – Something I have always wanted to see is direct writing. I have only heard of this and never witnessed it; place a slate and a piece of chalk in a sealed container in the centre of a physical circle. Sit as normal and then check the slate for writing.
  • Manifestation – The spirit uses ectoplasm to manifest and show itself. This is the main form that spirit can be captured by any camera.
  • Object Movement – Again, usually found in the horror movies; objects can be moved or controlled by spirit. I have seen many things from a shaking tree to a picture frame hovering across a room, again this is a simple hello from spirit and nothing to be scared of. Although some spirit children can hide things from time to time.
  • Spirit Healing – This is when the person receiving healing feels an extra pair of hands helping administer the healing.
  • Electronic Voice Phenomena (Recordings) – Normally referred to as EVP. A spirit is able to use electromagnetic energies to be able to leave recordings when an active microphone is present. These messages are usually very brief due to the amount of energy required and are very hard to hear, enhancing the audio gain is usually but not always required.
  • White Noise Communication – Some use the term ‘Spirit Box’ but at present I am not sure why. This is when white noise (static) is played aloud whilst someone asks the spirits questions, sometimes the answers can be heard in the static – I think this should be called ‘EVP Live’. I have never witnessed this but I’m sure I will soon.

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